We have friendly Cannibals and we have Katherine Knight, who tried to feed her husband to his children... world history and facts

We have friendly Cannibals and we have
Katherine Knight, who tried to feed her husband to his children... world history and facts

Katherine Knight, an Australian woman stabbed her partner, John Price, to death 37-times in 2000. Knight then skinned him, decapitated his head, and cooked up parts of his body. She set her dining room table for two and served the cooked meat with baked potatoes and side vegetables. 

She placed handwritten notes next to each table setting with the names of Price's children on them — she was attempting to serve them their father for dinner.

When police finally arrived at the house they found Knight in a comatose state with pills spilled out on the floor. They also found Price's head boiling in a pot of soup on the stove. 

Knight was the first woman to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. She is currently serving her sentence in Silverwater Correctional Complex in New South Wales, Australia.

If crazy had a face right..... her face literally screams I'm crazy and will possibly bite
people too

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