
Showing posts with the label Herb Baumeister–world history and facts

Herb Baumeister–world history and facts

Herb Baumeister (Serial killer ,hoarder,Sociopath, Homosexual) , a serial killer who stashed bodies in his back yard Yeah our normal backyard. In the late 80's and 90's, Herbert Baumeister would lure gay men back to his pool house then strangle them and dump them in the woods behind his home, according to People magazine.  Baumeister had his pool area decorated with mannequins that were set up to seem like they were having a pool party. They all look so Normal right ? Not your typical ugly hulky bad guy , these are the real monsters Baumeister's young son, Erich, even stumbled upon the remains of one victim while he was playing in the backyard, typical of body borders like Ed Gein.  Once Baumeister realized the police were onto him he fled to Ontario, Canada and shot himself in the head at Pinery Provincial Park(easy escape if you ask me) In his suicide note, he blamed his failing marriage and business as the reason for his suicide and never confessed to any of the murders.