What a bullet does to a human body–world history and facts
What a bullet does to a human body Bullets enter your body and spin, rotate, bounce off of other body parts, and wreak havoc on your organ. Bullets give you a brutal lesson in physics, and the power of mass moving at high speeds. Shrapnel just takes the experiment to the next level. If a bullet only traveled 100 mph it wouldn’t be all that bad. But seeing as they typically go 1500+ mph, it typically doesn’t end well for the tissue involved. Bullets typically break the sound barrier when shot which adds to their noise. Movies make silencers sound like bullets are so quiet like someone is blowing through a straw. But it’s definitely louder than that. The main reason bullets are dangerous—is because of the people wielding them. They are either hostile or don’t know what they are doing. When bullets enter a human body, they don't just pierce tissue, they shatter bones and dislocate limbs. When bullets enter a human body, they don't just pierce tissue, they shatter bones and disloca...