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The girl who forgave death, 1945 Eva Kor was a Romanian/American survivor of the Holocaust

The girl who forgave death, 1945 Eva Kor was a Romanian/American survivor of the Holocaust. She was taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. At the camp, her mother, father and two sisters were taken away upon arrival to be executed. Eva had this to say: "I never even got to say goodbye to her. But I didn't really understand that this would be the last time we would see her" Eva and her sister Miriam were spared as they were twins, and they were sent to be experimented on by Josef Mengele, the Nazi Angel of death. Eva and Miriam would go through months of medical torture. They were injected with unknown liquids which modern doctors can't figure out. Both girls became very sick, and Eva suffered from a fever for 5 weeks. Eva was so sick that she could not walk and was given 2 weeks to live, however she fought through the experiments and the pain and kept telling herself "I must survive, I must survive". In 1945, the camp was liberated by the S