
Showing posts with the label As WW2 ended Germany made a desperate effort to cover up its crimes.

As WW2 ended Germany made a desperate effort to cover up its crimes.

As WW2 ended Germany made a desperate effort to cover up its crimes. They failed miserably but they did succeed in creating a fair bit of confusion following the end of the war. Investigators initially were told a number of rumors prisoners had heard and then investigated said rumors. Keep in mind the premise of the Holocaust was insane to begin with. Using gas chambers to exterminate Jews on an industrial scale? I mean it’s insane on the surface so concepts like human-made soap or giant electric floors are not that far-fetched in the scope of what really happened. The whole notion of Jews being turned into soap comes from a few accounts. A lab assistant named Sigmund Mazur at the Danzig Anatomical Institute along with a few British POWs stated that Dr.Spanner (who ran the institute) had been producing soap made from human fat on an industrial scale. Moreover, a few Soviet soldiers who stumped upon the institute also claimed there was a bunch of soap there made from human fat.