
Showing posts with the label Terrible punishment: Drawing

Terrible punishment: Drawing, Hanging and Quartering.

Terrible punishment: Drawing, Hanging and Quartering. England abolished the Death Penalty for treason in 1998. Before that, people convicted of treason could be subjected to this form of execution.  It was modified in the 19th century to Drawing, Hanging to Death, then posthumous beheading and quartering. However, in the Treason Act of 1351, the punishment involved tying the convicted person onto a board and having a horse drag them to the gallows. The victim would then be hanged to a point near death before being removed from the gallows to be beheaded, dismembered then cut into four pieces that would then be displayed in public places as a warning to others.  The punishment was reserved for men accused of attacking members of the royal family or nobles and perceived enemies of the crown. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog on the world history and facts. If you enjoy this blog please let us know in the comments below. If you are interested in history,...