
Showing posts with the label 23 February 2023

Thursday, 23 February 2023, 01:51–world history and facts

Thursday, 23 February 2023, 01:51–world history and facts Her name was Iryna Filkina. She was a 52-year-old HVAC operator for a shopping mall in Bucha. In life she was just another ordinary person doing her best to make a modest living. In death she became symbolic of her nation's suffering. We've all seen the photo of her hand. The freshly varnished nails broken and caked with mud. It was her nails that helped identify Iryna. She had left her beautician's shop in a nearby village and was returning home on her bicycle when she rounded a corner in Bucha to be confronted by several Russian tanks. The lead tank opened up on Iryna with its NSV 12.7 mm heavy machine gun. When journalists were finally able to enter Bucha several days later they found Iryna's decomposing body next to her bicycle. Her purse and any identifying documents were missing from her person. One of the journalists was struck by the attention to detail of her nails. Four were painted red, a fifth pink