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27th January 1901: Italian opera composer, Guiseppe Verdi, dies. He was regarded as one of the most influential composers of the 19th century–History

27th January 1901: Italian opera composer, Guiseppe Verdi, dies. He was regarded as one of the most influential composers of the 19th century. He was born in Le Roncole, near Busseto. His father was an innkeeper while his mum was a spinner.   From a young age, he developed talent in music and became an organist in the local church. He then studied music with Vincenzo Lavigna after being rejected by Milan Conservatory. In 1838, he completed his first opera, ‘Oberto’.  In the same year, a series of tragedies started to happen in Verdi’s life. One of his infant children died, while the year after, 1839, his other child died while still an infant. His wife died in 1840, while his second opera, ‘Un giorno di regno’ did not have much success.  Despite being devastated, he managed to continue to compose several other operas that were successful. He was also involved in politics in Italy.  He composed over 25 operas during his career. Most of them are still performed in opera houses