War crimes committed on soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces

War crimes committed on soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces

The German infantry committed many crimes on the Polish soldiers, due to the fact that the Polish side was perceived as a foe who violates the rules of combat by using dishonourable guerrilla tactics.

Often, this was enough of a reason for the Germans to not even bother with capturing the Polish soldiers, but to shoot them on site instead.

There were many reports of Polish soldiers approaching the German infantry with their hands in the air and a piece of white clothing, showing their will to surrender, only to be shot immediately. There were also instances of Germans using Poles as living shields for the advancing Wehrmacht troops.

It’s also hard not to mention the countless examples of German soldiers finishing off the Polish wounded or stripping the fallen ones of their personal belongings, e.g.  wedding rings.

War crimes on POWs weren’t always committed on battlefields themselves, but during the marching of the prisoners to meeting points (e.g. the infamous crime in Zambrów) and POW camps as well. 

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