The Gruesome Reality of Sawing Women in Half: A Historical Torture Method–world history and facts

The Gruesome Reality of Sawing Women in Half: A Historical Torture Method–world history and facts.

Sawing a person in half, also known as “bisection,” is a method of execution that has been recorded throughout history. While it is not clear when or where this method originated, it has been used as a form of punishment and execution for centuries. It was often used as a means of public spectacle and to instill fear in the population.

During the Medieval period and up to the 19th century, sawing a woman in half was not uncommon. It was primarily used as a punishment for women accused of witchcraft or adultery.

The method was gruesome and inhumane, as the victim was bound and a saw was used to cut through their body, often leading to a slow and painful death.

Thankfully, this method of execution is no longer in practice and is widely considered as a barbarous act. It’s important to remember these atrocities of the past, to ensure that they are never repeated again.

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