The battle of Verdun from February 21st to December 18th 1916, 303 days and nights of fighting on the Western Front in France.

 The battle of Verdun from February 21st to December 18th 1916, 303 days and nights of fighting on the Western Front in France.

 The battle was the longest of the First World War. Verdun is one of the bloodiest battles in history. With casualties raging between 700,000 or a million.

The Battle Included devastating uses of artillery. The Germans launched over a million shells during their opening bombardment—more than in any engagement in history to that point—and the Germans and French eventually fired between 40 and 60 million shells over the next 10 months. The land to this day is scared and unsafe due to unexploded shells.

It was a bloody battle of attrition for both the French and German soldiers fighting in this horrifying battle.

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