January 17, 1864 Mary Edgerton, wrote in a letter to her family in Ohio–world history and facts

January 17, 1864 Mary Edgerton, wrote in a letter to her family in Ohio: “We had extremely cold weather here week before last. 

The mercury in the thermometers after going forty degrees below zero froze in the bulb. I never knew such cold weather or anything like it. I was so afraid that the children would freeze their noses and ears in the night that I got up a number of times in the night to see that their heads were covered. 

Their beds would be covered with frost. I saw their frozen breath. It is much warmer now.”

MHS Photo of Pauline Edgerton

Scott Gibson in his facebook page said; 

This was a mother's fear 160 years ago!! 

Are you so arrogant that you still believe Climate Change will boil the oceans? 

That you want to PAY a high SIN tax for keeping warm (or cool) for your energy usage? You had better be very wary of men in $1,000 suits and own multiple mansions and visit them often by flying private jets across the planet yet tell you they will outlaw a gas stove!?!?!?!?!?!?

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