🍒•In 2009, a man named John Jones, 26, set out to explore Nutty Putty Cave in Utah, with his family and friends...world history and facts

🍒•In 2009, a man named John Jones, 26, set out to explore Nutty Putty Cave in Utah, with his family and friends...world history and facts

 As he went further and further into the cave's tunnel system, he eventually ended up getting stuck, upside down, in a narrow passage.

 While rescuers did try to save John, they were unable to get him out because of the cave's tight angles. So, all they could do for John was feed an injection drip into his leg which contained drugs to calm him down. After 27 hours of getting stuck in this position, John eventually died from suffocation and heart failure.

They never did get his body out. The cave is sealed off and is a memorial to him. He's still in that position.

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