Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese soldier who was stationed on Lubang Island in the Philippines during World War II... world history and facts

Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese soldier who was stationed on Lubang Island in the Philippines during World War II... world history and facts.

Onoda and a small group of soldiers were ordered to carry out guerrilla warfare against the Allied forces, and were told to fight to the death rather than surrender.

After the war ended, Onoda and his group continued to carry out their mission, believing that the war was still ongoing and that their duty was to fight until they received further orders. Over time, the other soldiers either surrendered or were killed, leaving Onoda alone to carry out his mission.

It wasn't until 1974, 29 years after the war had ended, that Onoda was finally convinced that the war was over. His former commander traveled to the island and personally gave him orders to surrender. Onoda finally laid down his arms and returned to Japan, where he received a hero's welcome for his loyalty and dedication to duty

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