During the Nazi occupation of Norway, the Lebensborn program was established with the aim of promoting the "Aryan" race through forced breeding.

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, the Lebensborn program was established with the aim of promoting the "Aryan" race through forced breeding... world history and facts.

Young, blonde, and blue-eyed Norwegian women were chosen to mate with SS officers and other members of the Nazi elite, with the goal of producing "racially pure" children. Thousands of children were born as a result of the program, including Anni-Frid Lyngstad, who later achieved global fame as a member of the pop group ABBA.

The Lebensborn program left a dark legacy in Norway, where the children who were born as a result of the program were often ostracized and bullied. Many suffered from identity issues and struggled to find acceptance in society.

In addition, the program had a devastating impact on the Norwegian women who were forced to participate, many of whom were traumatized by their experiences and faced stigma and discrimination for years after the war.

Despite the traumatic circumstances of her birth, Anni-Frid Lyngstad went on to achieve great success as a singer with ABBA, one of the best-selling music acts of all time. Her powerful voice and striking appearance captivated audiences around the world, and her legacy continues to inspire fans today.

However, her story also serves as a reminder of the horrific consequences of Nazi eugenics programs, and the ongoing impact of these programs on the individuals and communities affected by them.

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