Are war tank dangerous

You don't have an option of choosing to be in a tank or not.. you just follow orders...

Forget about combat, tanks are simply big heavy vehicles that can grind people into paste by accident.

 If the people inside the tank don’t know you’re right outside the tank, they’re likely to run you over or bash into you or hit you with the gun barrel. And it’s hard to see what’s around the tank, when you’re inside it. 

The driver can hardly see anything unless it’s right in front of him - and even then, he won’t see things that are on the ground in a lot of cases. The driver depends on the TC to tell him what’s going on.

Safer to small arms fire but you don't want to die this way…it's just too terrifying as it's almost a dead end facing heavy fire arms

There were special squads removing the bodies from tanks.. not so nice thing to do..😥

Situation nowadays is even worse..

I don't think anyone feels safer in them... I bet you have watched the videos from the ongoing war in Ukraine

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