Archaeologists, in a dig down in Ecuador, came across something very, very bizarre... world history and facts

Archaeologists, in a dig down in Ecuador, came across something very, very bizarre... world history and facts

What you are looking at is an infant’s skull.

Wearing the skull of another child.


Disturbing is right. They found this on two children's bodies, in burial sites near the tribe's home.

There’s a lot of speculation as to why the children are wearing the skull.

They believe it is part of burial practice, not so much that the kids were walking around wearing skulls. (Source: Archaeologists Unearth Remains of Infants Wearing ‘Helmets’. Daley, Jason)

The tribe lived near a volcano. They suspect it might have been part of an effort to send good omens to the volcano as it began to act up, or in an effort to relieve some other type of natural disaster which had struck.

Another suspicion is that it is part of an effort to send the bodies to the afterlife in the company of a guardian of some sort.

Either way—the practice is spooky. And if it wasn’t spooky enough, they found a finger bone sandwiched between the two skulls.

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